Games, games everywhere!

Off Season time

So now that the season is over, it is now the offseason! we only have practice twice a week. Last week Thursday was fun, all we did was shoot in a cage and I got to try a defense stick. It was just a chill practice because 4 of us showed up.

Reaper get back!

So the first game of the week of this is subnautica. I know what your thinking, I’ve done this before. I have a response, I’m going to go into more detail then I did on my first blog. So here we go, subnautica is a survival game where your ship crash lands on an alien planet that is covered with oceans.  You have to survive by collecting resources and making new tech to explore or to survive. One of these pieces of tech is the seamoth, which is a sub. When you get it your exploration capabilities triples. Your eventual goal is to make the Neptune rocket and get off the planet. But that is not an easy task. You got to go to the deepest parts of the planet to get the resources to make it. And some of the creatures aren’t gonna like you. It is also dark and mysterious down there and that what makes this game partly a horror game even though it’s not labeled horror on steam. The game does have a 25 dollar price tag, but if you like survival games it’s totally worth it. I also forgot to mention there is also a creative mode where you can build the most massive base you like and make whatever subs you want. I personally love the creative mode, one because it’s a different feel of the game, and it’s you get all the freedom you could want. Overall I love subnautica and I wanted to give it the true GOTW treatment. Comment your favorite area!

Aw, I was doing good

The second GOTW is dead cells! I know right I’m treating you guys this week to two GOTW. Dead cells is a roguelike game where your a dead guy that got resurrected, and now you go through certain areas powering up your charcater every run. That’s right when you die you get resurrected at the very started with nothing you got last run. The way you progress through this game is when you kill an enemy you have a chance of getting a cell from him. After you go through that area you get the chance to turn your cells into buffs that continue through the rest of your runs. So it could be another potion flask or a better starter bow, or stuff like that. So its worth it to try to make it to the end and save your cells because if you die you lose whatever cells you had on your character. It is a 20$ game but it does have a ton of content and its still in early access, so there’s a lot to come. And every update the game gets better and better! Comment do you go shield or bow at the start!


A pretty good week

The season is over

yesterday, we played out last game against hart for our lacrosse season. We ended up winning 5-4, so it was a close game. They beat us our very first game, so it felt nice to beat them. I played mainly middy with a little bit of attack. I personally feel like I could’ve played better, with me missing some catches that turned into a turnover and me missing a shot far left. But hey we finished the season 7W-3L which is better than varsity, and I improved greatly from the first practice to the last. I also ended up scoring 2 more goals then I thought I would which felt nice. Overall it was a great season and I’m definitely playing next year, hopefully on varsity.

The upgrade finally happened!

So this weekend me and my friend Marshall troubleshoot all the problems with my pc and got it working! We built the main part last week Wednesday but were having issues with windows and CPU cooling. So we worked last weekend to get everything working, windows were easy, just making sure we get the right version. BTW do not get windows 10S it is awful and there no reason for it. It limits you to the windows store for apps. I personally would never recommend it. The cooling problem funny enough wasn’t the CPU cooler but the motherboard putting too many volts into the system. So it was heating the system up to 107C which made the computer force shut down. So long story short that wasn’t good. Funny thing the computer ended up fixing itself and now it works with a little above average temps. I’m glad I can finally enjoy gaming with a good pc. The specs of the computer if your interested are: Ryzen 1500x 3.8ghz, rx580 GPU, hyperX 8gb ddr4, gigabyte gaming k5 mobo, inwin 101, 240gb SSD, 2tb HDD, deepcool captain 120.


Oh, I hit for 80!

The game of the week this week is shell shock live. It’s a tank game where you pick a shot and try to hit your enemy’s by picking the power and angle of your shot. There are tons of different types of shots like fireworks that land then explode into tons of other explosions. There is also a banana shot where you shoot a banana and the actual banana goes flying out of the peel to the enemy. The game also has different game modes and different settings for each game mode. There is your basic team deathmatch where its what team kills the other team first, then there is my personal favorite assassin. You get a target and you can only deal damage to that person, but your someone else’s target. So your goal is to survive while killing your target. There is also a free for all which is just be the last one alive. When making a game there are also tons of settings that make your game different every time. You can add wind, wager gears which is the games currency, you can make it so you can set your weapon level, tons of fun settings. The leveling system is cool as well. When you use and do stuff with a shot that shot get XP which will eventually make it more powerful. You can also level your player and add minor stat buffs. There aren’t to many cosmetics, you get new tank parts as you level up, but you can also get stuff like victory songs that play when you win, and other stuff of that nature. The cool thing is you can play this game completely free to play. It does cost money but its noting awful. That’s all the basic stuff about the game, Comment your favorite shot!

Gamer Party

LAN party!

This weekend me and friends went to my friend’s marshalls house where we all sat in his room and played various games on the computer. We started with paladins where we only played a few games, then we were gonna move onto magicka but we didn’t have the campaign we normally play on one of the computers were playing on. So we played overwatch for some time, then got bored of that, so we played a few games of ultimate chicken horse and called it on that. It was a fun afternoon, and it gave me a chance to play overwatch on decent settings. One more thing, I’m building a pc this week so blog next week about that! Comment if you and your have ever had a LAN party!

Nate, Your deathtrap…

This week I’m doing Borderlands 2 for the game of the week. I will try to do this spoiler free, but there might be some that I say by accident. Borderlands is an RPG FPS with an emphasis on getting new gear and powering up your character. The cool thing is all of Borderlands weapons are randomly generated with random stats when they drop. So early in the game, you can get a gun that looks this way and these stats but later in the game, you can get the same looking gun with completely different stats. There also the rarity of each gun, legendary being the highest. legendary guns stats stay constant and they are the same gun every time, and you get them from certain places. the story is a long and good story trying to stop handsome jack from opening the vaults power, and unleashing the warrior. There are also two vehicles you get through the game, both are cars but one can hold four people while the other can hold two. I almost forgot I should probably tell you about the characters/classes. There are 6 playable characters all with there own ability. First, there is the cammando, whose ability is a turret he can place down and it will shoot enemies. The next class is the gunzerker, whose ability is two use two guns at once. next, there is the assassin who can go invisible. and then there is the siren who can lift enemies into the air making them an easy target to kill. There are two DLC classes that you have to buy, but there only 2 dollars so it’s not to bad. The first one is the mechromancer, who summons a robot to fight for you. This is my personal favorite class. Then finally there is the psycho who flails an ax around getting health from kills he gets with the ax. That’s mainly everything, Comment your favorite class!

I did something!

My first goal!

Last week we played cate again for lacrosse. We won 5-2, and one of those goals was me for once. I played about half middie and half attack in the game. got the full last quarter to play attack, then play middie a little bit of second and little bit of third. Overall we did fairly well for lacking some players.

Going into the lore

last week overwatch released their archives event, it will last until the 30th. It brought new great Blackwatch themed legendary skins, and a new PvE arcade game mode plus you will be able to play last years if you didn’t get the chance. You play as Reaper, Genji, Mcree, and Moira to try and escape Venice Italy. There are a lot of unique enemy type that adds a great sense of variety to the enemies. They are bringing back the same style of loot box, and also bringing back the original skins at the normal legendary price. Overall great event, try to get on and try the new event! Comment your favorite part of the event! (if you don’t know what overwatch is, check out last weeks blog!)

Better than the sequel

So the game of the week is going to be Destiny. Not the sequel. When you first boot up D1 You are tasked with picking your class. You have titan which is the tank of the crew, You then have hunter which is you rogue/ranger, then you have your warlock which is your mage. When you pick your class and customize your character you get the first cinematic where your ghost is looking for a guardian(you). he wakes you up from hundreds of years of being dead and tells you that we need to get to the wall that is protecting the rest of humanity. You get into the wall find your first gun and find your first ship to get you to the tower. The tower is the town of destiny where you do nearly everything. As you progress your character will find a quest for his 3rd subclass. It is a full questline to find your third subclass, with the end being unlimited supers with your new super which feels really good. The game also has great and challenging raids that are not just killing bosses but completing certain puzzles. The game also has a series of smaller raids called strikes which is just killing the boss at the end of the mission. The game has 4 expansions all adding new missions, new areas, and your third subclass in one of them. Like I said earlier there is a sequel called destiny 2 but personally, I feel they ruined the franchise with this one. They are focusing more on money and not the quality of the endgame. In this process, they have tons of dedicated fans. They did bring a lot of good to D2 but they could have just put it in destiny 1 in an expansion. Destiny is a great game I would recommend it, just make sure you get the expansions as well! Comment your favorite class!

Just Normal Stuff

Another win in the book

Last Tuesday we beat cate 6-1 in lacrosse. It was a good game and a fun one. Our team had some really nice hits and good shots as well. I played middie only which kinda blows because attack is always fun, but was still a fun game.

An Eventful Afternoon

On Saturday Me and my friend Nolan hung out. First, we walked from my house to the mission lawn to pass a lacrosse ball around. we stayed there for about 45 mins, and then we had the idea to go see ready player one. This was gonna be the second time seeing it for me, but for Nolan, it was his first. I would highly recommend the movie in general, but even more to gamers and people of that nature. We got out of the movie pretty late, but we walked home. We also stopped for ice cream at the public market. When we got home Nolans mom showed up soon after and that ended a good day. Comment what you did last weekend!

The Polished Paladins

The game of the week will be overwatch. Its a hero shooter made by blizzard entertainment. Just hearing its made by blizzard should be the queue to buy it because blizzard does everything right, most of the time. There are currently 28 heroes currently in the game with Brigitte just being added a few weeks ago. Unlike paladins, this game has no card system and is purely skill based. The thing that makes this game interesting is the fact you can switch heroes whenever you are in spawn. So if you are getting countered then switch to someone who counters the other team. Long story short overwatch is a really complex game of rock paper scissors. There are currently 18 maps in the game that have different styles of play.(these are in no particular order) There is payload where your primary objective is to push a payload through the map, there are 4 with one being added very soon. next, there are hybrid maps which you first capture an objective then push a payload, there are 5 hybrids currently in the game. then there are 2 CP maps, these you capture one point then you have to capture another point, there are currently 4 of these maps. And finally there are king of the hill maps, these there is one central objective that both teams are trying to capture. When you capture it a counter starts counting to 100, once you get that you win the round. To win you must win two rounds. There are currently 4 of these maps. I would say the only downside of overwatch is the price sitting at 40 for the standard edition and 60 for the deluxe. It is worth it but that isn’t cheap for a game in my opinion. Like I said its worth it if you have the money, but it is one of the more expensive games I’ve covered. All in all, I would recommend overwatch to anyone who likes hero shooters and blizzard. Comment your favorite hero!



Spring Break!

It was hot

So spring break happened, and my family went to palm desert. I took my friend Aiden and we did a variety of things. The first day we arrived we didn’t really do much, just went to the pool and played on our computers in the room. The following day we had a long day at the pool and went to target. The final full day we went to a water park down there. It wasn’t the biggest water park but it was still a fun morning/afternoon. We got up early the next day to leave to avoid traffic, which worked for the most part. It was also easter, April fools, and my moms birthday all on the day we left. So later that night we went to dinner to celebrate my moms birthday at Harry’s. The following day was the last day of spring break so ill chilled out for the morning then had to go to lacrosse practice at 1. Overall it was a good spring break, besides getting sick at the start of it, it was fun.

(picture of outside union station when I got off the train waiting to be picked up)

Ima zap you!

So a few days ago I got the game heroes of hammerwatch. Best described as a dungeon crawler RPG. It’s really fun so far and I have my friend Jackson to play with. When you first start the game it makes you make a character, which there are 7 classes in total 3 you have to unlock by activities done in the game. The classes are the tanky paladin, the balanced ranger, the glass cannon sorcerer, and the shaman-ish warlock. Then the other 3 are the healing priest, the alternate glass cannon wizard, and the agile rogue. I haven’t played the 3 unlockable classes so don’t quote me on anything I say for those. Once you pick your class and make your character the game plops you in town. You then gotta go in the mine(the first area) to start getting ore to upgrade your town, which then lets you upgrade your character with more damage or more potion charges. This game I think appeals to people who like the RPG genre and don’t mind a little bit of repetitiveness. The graphics style is also cool because of it’s a pixel graphic style, not anything fancy. This also a sequel to the first game hammerwatch. This game made major improvements with the fighting mechanics and added the town feature making the game more like an action RPG. The price I think is a little high coming in at 12 $ on steam, but besides that its great game and I recommend it!  Comment your favorite class!

We won Something!

First, win of the season!

So Thursday last week our lacrosse team got their first win of the season against Thatcher. The score ended up being 6-4, so it was a close game! I got about 30 seconds of play time which kinda blew, but I was on the field when the game ended which was fun. Today(day of writing) we play against Dos Pueblos. I will make sure to blog about the results of that game when I get the chance. It is spring break next week so that will be iffy if that happens or not. I will be in palm springs for spring break if you’re wondering what I will be doing with my week off. Comment what you’re doing over spring break if you have it!

Soccer with Rocket-Powered Cars

So the GOTW this week will be rocket league! Rocket league is exactly what the title suggests, it is soccer with rocket-powered cars. The goal of the game is to score more than your opponent in 5 mins, plus OT if you’re tied at the end of the game. There are also multiple different modes, some being 3v3 standard, 2v2 standard, Rumble, 2v2 hoops, and many others! There is also a competitive system. It has 4 different modes you can place in, 3v3 standard, 2v2 standard, 1v1 and 3v3 solo. The fun thing is that you can be gold in 3v3 solo, and bronze in 3v3 standard. Which adds a different feel to competitive. The game also has a fun car customization system. You don’t just pick a car and go into a game, you gotta make it look good with decals, hats, antennas, wheels, boosts, different colors for blue and orange, and so many other customizations. The game will always give you an item after every game. no matter what your playing, even if you’re in the game for a minute. The game also has a crate system if you like gambling. You buy the keys for real money but you can get the crates from after game drops. Don’t worry none of this cosmetic stuff effects gameplay at all. The only thing that might affect gameplay would be the car you pick, but every car is fairly balanced with every car having minor advantages and disadvantages. The game does have a 20 dollar price tag but it is so worth it. Especially the company who made rocket league is an indie company so it feels good supporting them. The last thing I will say is that rocket league does have a esports scene which is really entertaining to watch because the pros are just flying around hitting crazy shots. All things aside, go check out rocket league! Comment your favorite game mode!

Game Results and Terraria!

Lost, But Had Fun

So I promised you guys the results of my lacrosse game last week, and I will honor my promise. We lost 3-5. I think the only disappointing part of that is that I feel we could’ve won. But besides that, it was a good time and I got more play time then I expected. Also After the game, there was little time before ultimate practice so I just went up to milpas with my mom and grabbed a snack before practice. So I was at the SBJH field from roughly 2-8 pm. Comment if you play any sports!


So the game of the week is going to be terraria. Its a survival game with aspects of RPG. You start out the world with a copper short sword, and a copper pickaxe and ax. The way you beat the game is you have to beat the final boss the moon lord. There are multiple steps to do it though. One thing I love about terraria is that there is a small class system worked into the game. You can play the entire game classless and still be fine, but if you play a class it’s so much more fun because you can be so much more powerful.  The four classes in terraria currently are warrior which is all melee and yoyos, then there is ranger which is bows and guns, then there is mage which is books and staffs, and finally, summoner which is summoning minions to do your bidding. Terraria also has a ton of really creative and difficult bosses to challenge you through the game. From a giant bee to a walking plant named after the developer’s favorite band. The game also has a ton biomes from marble, jungle, granite, and even hell. The game also switched between modes in roughly the middle of your world. You start in pre-hard mode and then after killing the wall of flesh, you get into hard mode which is harder enemies new biome(the hollow), and new boss fights. Another thing is most items you have to grind from certain mobs or bosses, which when gotten adds a sense of accomplishment.There is also an awesome modded community which makes great high-quality mods, so if you ever get bored of normal terraria you can try mods.

Game Day!

I Did Bad Again

As the subhead suggests, I messed up again. I received my progress report this Sunday and got an F for my math class. So being the parents they are they got really mad. They ended up taking away my computer for a week. Which sucks because I have a new warframe ready to make on warframe, and the lunar new year event is still going on in overwatch. also, OB67 is coming out on Wednesday for paladins, and its gonna be a big patch(finally removing cards unbound!). Don’t worry the game of the week will not be going away!

Game Day

Today(when writing) is the first game of our lacrosse season. we are playing Hart, some team down south. I will probably be playing midfield unless my coach wants me playing attack. I don’t actually know how the game turns out right now so I will let you guys wait until next weeks blog to find out what happens.

Grind, but Fun!

So recently my friend got me into warframe. The way I describe is it is a better destiny with more grind. But the way other way people describe it as a third person RPG action shooter. I’m going to change up the way I do this, I’m going to list the pros, the cons and some basic things to know. Some pros of this game are on the “class” system has a ton of different “classes” you can pick from. The reason class is in quotes because they’re not like classes but more armors, but they act like a class. I think there are currently 35 different warframes that you can play. Another pro is the weapons are all diverse and fun, none feel the same. The last pro I’m going to state is that the way you get more powerful in the game is a diverse mod system. You get mods over time that you can put into your warframe and level up to make them better. Some mods are hard to come by but that’s part of the grind. Alright, now the cons. One con that you will find very early on is the game does a really bad job of explaining what you’re supposed to do. You get is and you start doing missions but want a new gun but they don’t tell you where to get the blueprints for a gun or how to get the resources for the gun, so my recommendation is to find someone who has put some hours into this game, and has them help you through the first few hours. next con is that making new stuff takes real life time, so making some warframes will take 3 days. As long as you can look past this and do something else within the game while your thing is being made then it’s not to bad. Alright, now some things to be aware of. This game is a grind fest. You will be doing countless missions to grind for something you want. If you like grindy games this game is perfect for you. I would also recommend getting a friend to play with you Because it’s a million times more fun with a friend. Besides that I think got all the main points, Comment what warframe you want to get!


More Normal Stuff

Real Life Stuff

So I have a few stories this week. One being that I had my first high school detention last week. It wasn’t for anything bad, just tardies. It could’ve been worse all we had to do was clean the desks in one of the computer labs. I was the only one who had detention so I was going solo with the task. Another thing I’ve done recently is starting to switch up my normal breakfast spot. We used to only go to renauds a local bakery, but now I’ve started trying Starbucks. it’s not that important in the grand scheme of things but I thought id mention it. Comment what is your go-to breakfast spot!

“Poor Mans Overwatch”

The game of the week is Paladins by Hi-rez studios. The subhead is kind of the community given name of the game to people who don’t play the game. But besides all that paladins is a hero shooter with an emphasis on a card building system that lets you customize a character to your play style. There are currently 35 champions in paladins with all unique looks and kits of abilities. There are also 16 different cards for each champion that you can create builds with 5 of them. I’m just gonna explain the main game mode siege, there are a few others, but siege is the main one. The way any game of paladins starts is picking your legendary card then picking what loadout you want to use. You will usually pick the legendary and loadout that best counters the enemy team because they cannot switch heroes. The game starts when the announcer countdowns to zero and the doors open. You mount your mount at 2 seconds before the doors open. Once the doors open you rush to point and start trying to capture. If you successfully capture that’s a point, and if you push the payload that spawns that another point. if the defenders can defend the payload that’s a point for them. its a game to 4, the defenders cannot score a point by defending when they have 3 points. you must capture the point or push the payload to win. It’s a great game if you’re looking for a cheap shooter, it’s a little unpolished. But they release updates every 2 weeks so bug fixes and graphical improvements come quickly. Comment your favorite champion and role to play!